Having your home professionally inspected as early as possible in the buying process can save you thousands of dollars on items which you may be able to have the seller or builder correct. ALLVIEW Home Inspections is dedicated to providing you with invaluable information about your new home.
ALLVIEW Home Inspections offers several different services to assist buyers and sellers achieve their goals in real estate transactions. Some of these services are listed below:
This is ALLVIEW Home Inspection’s main inspection. It consists of a visual inspection of the home from roof to foundation in adherence to American Society of Home Inspector (ASHI) Standards. The purpose of this inspection is to objectively identify material defects in the systems, structures and components of the home. Our main focus of this type of inspection is on Safety, Structure, and Functionality of the home and its installed components.
New Construction Inspections take place while the home is in different phases of construction. Phase inspections may include Footing & Foundation, Pre-Drywall (framing), Pre-Move in final and Warranty inspections. New home inspections are best performed by International Code Council (ICC) certified inspectors. Builders routinely require inspectors to have this certification before they are allowed on the property.
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. Radon is a radioactive gas (R-222), which is emitted from the ground or water and may seep into a home. One out of nine homes in Georgia have dangerous levels of Radon. We use continuous monitoring machines that record the radon level in the home hour by hour. These are among the most accurate and efficient machines on the market. The EPA, Surgeon General and CDC all recommend radon testing. More information may be found at: www.epa.gov.
These are inspections performed only on a specific part of the home or for a specific project for which the homeowner may want information or advice. An evaluation of the electrical work performed by a contractor finishing a basement is an example of a partial inspection.
These are visits during which the homeowner and the inspector review the condition of the home. The homeowner is provided with tips and information on steps or repairs that may be made in preparation for putting a home on the market for sale. A well prepared home is more likely to go to closing than an unprepared home with a long list of defects discovered during the buyer's inspection.
We inspect the condition of the home sewer line and identify components in need of immediate repair. The inspection will include a proper access into the sewer line will be obtained, a camera device is then inserted into the sewer line up to 110ft, the inspection process is recorded, and a report is created to outline the findings.